Rekeying Home

4 Most Common Reasons Why Individuals Consider Rekeying Their Homes

Your family’s safety and security should be your utmost priority any time during the day, and one of the most inexpensive ways of improving your home’s security involves a visit to the locksmith. Rekeying your home would relieve you of any mental stress you may have owing to your keys getting compromised or going missing, and is also less troublesome than changing your lock altogether. If you feel rekeying isn’t for you or is an extreme measure, given below are the four most common reasons why individuals consider rekeying their homes:

1. When they move into a new home

When individuals move into a new home, rekeying their locks becomes a necessity. They do not fully know who owned their house before them and may not be familiar with the family or neighborhood. They may also not be aware of the number of individuals, roommates, partners, and realtors who possess a key to that very house. Even if they move into an entirely new home, chances are that subcontractors may have copies of keys to their place for finishing work, and hence rekeying locks seems like the most sensible thing to do. 

2. When they suspect a break-in

When individuals suspect that their house has been broken into due to things not being in the right place or due to them missing a few essentials, they choose to rekey their locks. Intruders that may have access to your home’s locks may choose to occasionally step in when they can be sure of the home being empty, and slowly but steadily steal your valuables in a way that you may not even notice. If things go missing in your home, it could be a signal of an upcoming full-fledged burglary, and hence even if your think it is all in your head, a slight doubt should suffice for you to rekey your locks.

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3. When they split from a partner

When individuals split from their spouse or a long-time partner, the first thing they tend to do is rekey their locks. A bitter ex might be on the lookout to take revenge in whatever way possible, and you should consider the harm they may be capable of inflicting on you and your belongings. Hence, if you find yourself in the same position, you should consider changing your locks as well. If, however, the split is temporary and you think there is a chance of both of you getting back together, you should consider holding it off to save yourself and your partner from embarrassment.

4. When they lose their keys

When individuals lose keys to their homes, they might be in constant fear of someone breaking into their homes in the middle of the night. While there is a higher probability that you simply lost the key and anyone who found it cannot trace it back to you, it is better to be safe than sorry, and hence rekeying locks for lost keys is pretty common.


Depending on your family and household’s circumstances, rekeying your home can be your best bet in protecting your family from intruders and unwanted guests. If you experience any of the above mentioned reasons, you should get your locks rekeyed at your earliest convenience.

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